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Houston Auto Accident Attorney

Houston had over 65,000 car accidents in 2021.  That is a lot of car accidents.  Click here for a complete list of Car Accident Statistics. Cars are necessary in Houston.  Public transportation is available, but the sheer size of Houston makes cars a necessity.  Many of these accidents result in injuries.  Also, many of these accidents result in permanent injuries and even death.    

At Molina Law Firm, our Houston Car Accident lawyers will handle your case from the time of the accident until we win your case!!  The opposing insurance companies will begin their investigation from the moment of the car accident.  However, their investigation does not benefit you.  The opposing insurance company will take photos, interview witnesses, and investigate your background.  You need a Houston Car Accident Attorney to immediately conduct an investigation on your behalf.

Causes Of Houston Car Accidents

Car Accidents can range from minor fender benders to major collisions that result in serious injuries or death. Some of the most common causes of car accidents include speeding, distracted driving, such as using a cell phone or other electronic device while behind the wheel, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and reckless or aggressive driving.

Speeding is usually the most common factor for causing Houston Car Accidents.  A faster vehicle speed reduces the driver’s reaction time and is more likely to cause an accident. 

Distracted driving is a major problem on roads and highways, and it is one of the leading causes of car accidents. This can include anything from using a cell phone to send text messages or make phone calls, to adjusting the radio or GPS system, to eating or applying makeup while driving. Distracted driving can cause drivers to take their eyes off the road and their hands off the wheel, which can lead to serious accidents.

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is another major cause of car accidents. When a driver is under the influence, their judgment and reflexes are impaired, which can make it difficult for them to react quickly to changing road conditions or other hazards. This can lead to accidents that could have been avoided if the driver had been sober.

Reckless and aggressive driving is another common cause of car accidents. This can include things like speeding, tailgating, or making sudden lane changes without signaling. Reckless and aggressive drivers are more likely to cause accidents because they are not paying attention to the road or to other drivers, and they are not following the rules of the road.

In addition to these common causes, there are a number of other factors that can contribute to car accidents. These can include poor weather conditions, such as heavy rain or snow, poorly maintained roads, and faulty or poorly designed vehicles.

Despite the common causes of car accidents, there are steps that individuals can take to reduce their risk of being involved in an accident. These include being aware of the risks associated with distracted driving, not driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and avoiding reckless or aggressive driving. Additionally, individuals can take steps to prepare for potential accidents, such as making sure their vehicle is in good working condition and keeping an emergency kit in the car.

How Is A Houston Car Accident Attorney Paid?

No Fees Unless We Win

Molina Law Firm understands that many injured people cannot afford to hire a lawyer after an accident.  A contingency fee is a type of payment arrangement in which a lawyer only gets paid if they win or settle a case. Under this arrangement, the lawyer’s fee is a percentage of the amount won in the case. If the case is lost, the lawyer does not receive a fee. Contingency fee arrangements are common for a Houston Car Accident Attorney at Molina Law Firm because we understand that the plaintiff may not have the financial resources to pay an attorney’s hourly rate.

What To Expect After A Car Accident

After a car accident, there are several steps you should take to ensure your safety and protect your legal rights.

  • Check for injuries: If you or anyone else involved in the accident is injured, call 911 immediately.
  • Call the police: Even if there are no injuries, it’s a good idea to call the police so they can create an official report of the accident.  However, in Houston, the police do not show up to very car accident. 
  • Exchange information: Get the contact and insurance information from the other driver(s) involved in the accident.
  • Take photos: Use your phone to take photos of the damage to the vehicles and the accident scene.  Also, take photos of any injuries.
  • Notify your insurance company: Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report the accident.
  • Seek medical attention: Even if you don’t think you’re injured, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible after an accident. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent.
  • Keep records: Keep records of all expenses related to the accident, including medical bills and lost wages.
  • Get a lawyer: If you are injured or if the accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, it may be a good idea to consult with an attorney to understand your legal rights and option
Car Accident lawyer for Houston Texas

Types Of Houston Car Accidents

There are many different types of car accidents that can occur on the roads. Some of the most common types include:

  • Rear-end collisions: These occur when one vehicle crashes into the back of another vehicle that is stopped or moving slowly.
  • Head-on collisions: These occur when the front of one vehicle collides with the front of another vehicle. These types of accidents are often very serious and can result in severe injuries or death.
  • Side-impact collisions: Also known as T-bone accidents, these occur when the side of one vehicle is hit by the front or back of another vehicle. These types of accidents can be particularly dangerous for passengers in the affected vehicle.
  • Rollover accidents: These occur when a vehicle tips over onto its side or roof. These types of accidents are often caused by a driver losing control of the vehicle or by a defect in the vehicle’s design.
  • Multi-vehicle accidents: These occur when multiple vehicles are involved in a single accident. These types of accidents are often caused by one driver’s negligence and can result in serious injuries or death for all involved.
  • Hit-and-run accidents: These occur when one driver leaves the scene of an accident without stopping to provide their contact and insurance information.
  • Pedestrian accidents: These occur when a pedestrian is hit by a car. These types of accidents often result in serious injuries or death for the pedestrian.
  • Bicycle accidents: These occur when a bicycle is hit by a car. These types of accidents often result in serious injuries or death for the cyclist.
  • Motorcycle accidents: These occur when a motorcycle is hit by a car or truck. These types of accidents often result in serious injuries or death for the motorcyclist.
  • Truck accidents: These occur when a large commercial truck is involved in an accident. These types of accidents can be particularly dangerous for the occupants of other vehicles involved, as the size and weight of the truck can cause significant damage.

These are some of the most common types of car accidents that can occur on the roads. Each type of accident can have different causes, effects and legal consequences. Car accidents can happen due to various reasons like distracted driving, drunk driving, reckless driving, bad weather, poor road conditions, faulty vehicle and so on. It is important for drivers to be aware of the different types of accidents that can occur and take steps to prevent them from happening

Common Car Accident Defenses?

There are several common defenses that may be used in car accident cases. Some of the most common include:

Contributory negligence: This defense argues that the plaintiff (the person who filed the lawsuit) also contributed to the accident and therefore should not be entitled to full compensation.

Comparative negligence: This defense argues that both the plaintiff and the defendant (the person being sued) were negligent and that the plaintiff’s compensation should be reduced by the percentage of fault attributed to plaintiff.

Lack of causation: This defense argues that the defendant’s actions did not cause the plaintiff’s injuries and that the plaintiff would have been injured regardless of the defendant’s actions.
Statute of limitations: This defense argues that the plaintiff waited too long to file their lawsuit and that their claim is now barred by the statute of limitations.

Government immunity: This defense applies when the defendant is a government entity or employee. It argues that the government cannot be sued for certain types of accidents.

Emergency situations: This defense argues that the defendant was acting in an emergency situation and that their actions were reasonable under the circumstances. 

Lack of witness or evidence: This defense argues that there is not enough evidence to prove the defendant’s negligence or that the witnesses that can attest to the accident are not available.

Improperly maintained roadways: This defense argues that the accident was caused by poorly maintained or designed roadways.

Defective vehicle: This defense argues that the accident was caused by a defect in the vehicle, and the manufacturer or seller of the vehicle is liable for the accident.

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